

(Xuan) Since I am busy with submitting paper this week, I didn't commit much time in this. I made the image feature working, which would rescale its quad mesh when Awake according to the aspect ratio.

(Griffin) Implemented the checklist feature. (Xuan) helped with debugging

Plan for Next Week

We want to have the first version of a full demo next week

(Xuan) Implement a timer. It would have spatial notification sound to indicate where it is when the alarm is off. It can be set to start and reset and will destroy itself when the user is done with it.

(Xuan) Add some audio instructions. Instruction sounds play at the place for that step.(go through multiple tones instead of constant because easier to localize)

(Xuan) Find some high-fidelity content for the pizza recipe.

  • Pictures (fridge, oven, counter)
  • Appropriate Videos (take videos from youtube and clip it)

(Griffin) Getting video allignment working correctly with the step manager.

(Griffin) Adding an indicator for steps out of scene.