
The goal this week is to have the basic StepManager which controls the step sequence, and the basic Spatial Registration step to work together.


(Griffin) I stopped working on serialization to help with video recording. I have the basics of serialization working but this task needs to be completed on a per object basis and many of our objects are not complete. For video playback, I configured unity to include webcam libraries to enable camera use. There are however there are issues with video playback. HoloLens captures h264 while unity only supports OGG. For now we are going to take a picture representing the video while editing, and have an offline manual conversion. In the future a server could hold and convert these, but that’s not the current focus.

(Xuan) I implemented TextFeature and show/hide action list in the base class Feature so that actionList should be able to show/hide for all features.

(Xuan & JJ) We got the StepManager and the Spatial Registration part to work together. We can now show a cube which represents a stove, for example, to move based on the spatial map. And after saying "next step", the next step of showing the video will pop up.

(JJ) Arranged a pizza tosser with Paggliacci and brought Nathan, pizza tosser, to MS studio. Successfully shoot the tossing scene and reviewed the captured videos.

Plan for Next Week

Our target demo for next week is to have an actual recipe working with multiple steps and places to register. Steps should hold a video or optionally other items.

  • I will work on creating a checklist object. (Griffin)

(JJ) Will be working on warning signs and collaborate with Xuan to design the big picture of step architecture.