
I am a Research Scientist at Google, working on novel view synthesis for the Project Starline team. My research interests include 3D vision, generative models, and computational photography.
Before joining Google, I was a Ph.D. student at the University of Washington, where I worked with Steven M. Seitz, Jason Lawrence, and Ricardo Martin Brualla. I have also had the privilege of interning at Google, Disney Research Zurich, and Facebook. I hold a B.S. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I worked with Hongtao Lu, and I also visited the National Univerity of Singapore collaborating with Shuicheng Yan.

xuluo at google dot com

  • 601 N 34th St,

  • Seattle, WA 98103


University of Washington

2015-2021 (Expected) Ph.D. student

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2011-2015 B.S. in Computer Science


StyleSDF: High-Resolution 3D-Consistent Image and Geometry Generation

CVPR 2022

R. Or-El, Xuan Luo, M. Shan, E. Shechtman, J. J. Park, I. Kemelmacher-Shlizerman

Selected for oral presentation
Project Page Paper Code

Consistent Video Depth Estimation


Xuan Luo, Jia-Bin Huang, Richard Szeliski, Kevin Matzen, Johannes Kopf

Project Page Video Paper Code

Pepper's Cone: An Inexpensive Do-It-Yourself 3D Display

UIST 2017

Xuan Luo, Jason Lawrence, Steven M. Seitz

Project Page Video Talk Paper

Purine: A graph-based deep learning framework

ICLR 2015

Min Lin, Shuo Li, Xuan Luo

ppt Paper

Fast Non-local Stereo Matching based on Hierarchical Disparity Prediction

Xuejiao Bai, Xuan Luo, Shuo Li, Hongtao Lu, Sei-ichiro Kamata

Demo videos: KITTI: MST, ST, RT , WASEDA: MST, ST, RT


Adaptive Stereo Matching via Loop-erased Random Walk

ICIP 2014

Xuejiao Bai, Xuan Luo, Shuo Li, Hongtao Lu


Invited Talks

Consistent Video Depth Estimation

GAMES: Graphics And Mixed Environment Seminar (12/24/2020)

Webinar Post / Slides ( PDF / Keynote )


AAA校友2020云上会 (05/16/2020)

Webinar Summary (知乎 / 伯禹人工智能学院)